January 31, 2008

WTF is this all about?

Sat down at a micro Omaha hi/lo cash game with two players sitting out, this is their chat as far as when I sat, wtf are they talking about?

MooOOoo00: those railbirds suck
Dealer: A new game will start in 15 seconds
MooOOoo00: they take the joy out of the game
MooOOoo00: they are so calculating
Dealer: Hand cancelled
countone: yes
countone: I hate them
countone: but we cannot do anything but encourage them to stay
countone: or at least let them know they CAN STAY
MooOOoo00: they can not play at hire limnits ;cause peeps would catch on in a minute
MooOOoo00: they only play full houses
countone: that is right
MooOOoo00: I can not stand them
countone: you have figured that out long ago
countone: they are in it together
MooOOoo00: I am all cash
MooOOoo00: I have no equities
countone: omgosh
countone: you are paper
MooOOoo00: I sold everyting
countone: omgosh
countone: what a crazy thought
MooOOoo00: I really tink we are heading for a recssion
MooOOoo00: the jobless report was horrible but still the market went up;
MooOOoo00: It does not make sense
countone: it is going to be awful
MooOOoo00: I sold everying today
MooOOoo00: Sara
MooOOoo00: Most peeps will basrely feel it unless they lose their hiobs
countone: oh
MooOOoo00: And, peeps tell me the cost of stuff is going up
MooOOoo00: Is it
MooOOoo00: I have no idea
MooOOoo00: Milkk and stuff
countone: yes it is
MooOOoo00: I have no idea
countone: groceries are outraugeous
countone: it cost more and more each month to eat
MooOOoo00: I really have no idea
MooOOoo00: that is horrile
countone: I have my grocery budget I used to be able to work with
MooOOoo00: You really can tell?
countone: but not know
countone: now
countone: I cannot use it for other stuff
countone: it mostly just buys grocerys
countone: once in a while I can get something else
countone: or do something for someone
MooOOoo00: Get a housewarming gift
countone: i will do that
MooOOoo00: I am so strange
countone: I will get it tommorrow
MooOOoo00: I am
MooOOoo00: I do not care
countone: I like you starnge
MooOOoo00: The water here is too deep
countone: oh
MooOOoo00: Oh no
MooOOoo00: I do not love you like that
MooOOoo00: Do not worry about me
MooOOoo00: I wojuld not want you to suffer as I have
countone: are you singing
MooOOoo00: Yes
countone: oh
MooOOoo00: Sara
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: I love you but I have to run
countone: trot
MooOOoo00: OMG
countone: it is trotting
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: Sara
countone: yes my love
MooOOoo00: All your fears
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: they will be okaay
MooOOoo00: Here is my thing
MooOOoo00: Should i go on?
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: Nevermind
MooOOoo00: Saraq
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: Do not worry about that trailer thing
MooOOoo00: Or whartever it is called
countone: yes
countone: travel trailer
MooOOoo00: Yes
countone: HOME
MooOOoo00: I am just saying do not worry about it
MooOOoo00: I have no idea what that means
countone: I do not either
countone: but I shall not worry then
countone: and about meadows and places of fine oats
countone: do not worry
countone: I will never let anyone take them away from you
MooOOoo00: Sara
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: It means not to worry so much about you and Mr Mo's retirement
countone: oh

If anyone can decipher this shit, let me know.

January 30, 2008

1:35am post why ask why?

I'm drunk to say the least so lets begin rant ....

Public Bathroom Etiquette: When you are done using a bathroom stall, do everyone a favor and leave the fuckin door cracked open. I don't want to play peek-a-boo through the cracks of a stall with a 250lb man taking shit.

I could just walk up real quick and tug on the door, no peek-a-boo, but I hate to walk up and tug on a closed door that's locked and give someone a shit kill. When I'm in the stall and some putz pulls that shit on me, for a split second I think, "did I lock the fuckin door?" as my asshole clenches up and I prepare for the worst. It's a shit kill. Now I have to spend extra time making myself comfortable enough again to finish my shit. For common courtesy sake, I don't do that.

It's an awkward feeling when you attempt to open a stall door that you think is unoccupied and it's locked. It feels intrusive the split second you pull and realize it's locked. The next split second you realize you are standing 2 feet away from someone taking a shit, possibly worse. Instinct kicks in, back away as quickly as fucking possible.

Brown discolored pussies on white women: What is the story on this phenomenon? I can see Blacks, Latinas, Asians, Cubans, name your brown nationality of choice, having these pussy colors. But how does a white woman end up with brown nether regions? Did she wipe the wrong way as a child and it forever stained her womanhood? I wouldn't care other than the fact that I think it looks gnarly, and I'm extremely curious.

Cutting it short, will post again soon...