WTF is this all about?
Sat down at a micro Omaha hi/lo cash game with two players sitting out, this is their chat as far as when I sat, wtf are they talking about?
MooOOoo00: those railbirds suck
Dealer: A new game will start in 15 seconds
MooOOoo00: they take the joy out of the game
MooOOoo00: they are so calculating
Dealer: Hand cancelled
countone: yes
countone: I hate them
countone: but we cannot do anything but encourage them to stay
countone: or at least let them know they CAN STAY
MooOOoo00: they can not play at hire limnits ;cause peeps would catch on in a minute
MooOOoo00: they only play full houses
countone: that is right
MooOOoo00: I can not stand them
countone: you have figured that out long ago
countone: they are in it together
MooOOoo00: I am all cash
MooOOoo00: I have no equities
countone: omgosh
countone: you are paper
MooOOoo00: I sold everyting
countone: omgosh
countone: what a crazy thought
MooOOoo00: I really tink we are heading for a recssion
MooOOoo00: the jobless report was horrible but still the market went up;
MooOOoo00: It does not make sense
countone: it is going to be awful
MooOOoo00: I sold everying today
MooOOoo00: Sara
MooOOoo00: Most peeps will basrely feel it unless they lose their hiobs
countone: oh
MooOOoo00: And, peeps tell me the cost of stuff is going up
MooOOoo00: Is it
MooOOoo00: I have no idea
MooOOoo00: Milkk and stuff
countone: yes it is
MooOOoo00: I have no idea
countone: groceries are outraugeous
countone: it cost more and more each month to eat
MooOOoo00: I really have no idea
MooOOoo00: that is horrile
countone: I have my grocery budget I used to be able to work with
MooOOoo00: You really can tell?
countone: but not know
countone: now
countone: I cannot use it for other stuff
countone: it mostly just buys grocerys
countone: once in a while I can get something else
countone: or do something for someone
MooOOoo00: Get a housewarming gift
countone: i will do that
MooOOoo00: I am so strange
countone: I will get it tommorrow
MooOOoo00: I am
MooOOoo00: I do not care
countone: I like you starnge
MooOOoo00: The water here is too deep
countone: oh
MooOOoo00: Oh no
MooOOoo00: I do not love you like that
MooOOoo00: Do not worry about me
MooOOoo00: I wojuld not want you to suffer as I have
countone: are you singing
MooOOoo00: Yes
countone: oh
MooOOoo00: Sara
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: I love you but I have to run
countone: trot
MooOOoo00: OMG
countone: it is trotting
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: Sara
countone: yes my love
MooOOoo00: All your fears
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: they will be okaay
MooOOoo00: Here is my thing
MooOOoo00: Should i go on?
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: Nevermind
MooOOoo00: Saraq
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: Do not worry about that trailer thing
MooOOoo00: Or whartever it is called
countone: yes
countone: travel trailer
MooOOoo00: Yes
countone: HOME
MooOOoo00: I am just saying do not worry about it
MooOOoo00: I have no idea what that means
countone: I do not either
countone: but I shall not worry then
countone: and about meadows and places of fine oats
countone: do not worry
countone: I will never let anyone take them away from you
MooOOoo00: Sara
countone: yes
MooOOoo00: It means not to worry so much about you and Mr Mo's retirement
countone: oh
If anyone can decipher this shit, let me know.
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